Sunday, November 9, 2014

New Treatment for Infections without Using Antibiotics: A possible cure for Lyme's Disease?

Scarlet Bee Balm among others
Antibiotics have perhaps done more to save lives than any other single invention ever.

But antibiotics have several down sides:

1) They are based on fungal toxins which means that your liver has to work hard to break them down so that they don't build up in your system and damage your other organs, nerves, or brain. In this way they are similar to chemotherapy in that they are very toxic. The idea is to take just enough toxin to kill the cancer or infection, but not so much that they kill you.

2) Chronic use of antibiotics can have long term consequences on your immune system, liver, and intestinal health.

3) Antibiotics kill good intestinal flora along with the infection. If the intestinal flora (probiotics) are not replaced immediately following treatment, other major problems can develop down the road (it is not standard medical protocol to give patients probiotic supplements after antibiotic use, go figure). Such things as yeast infections, acid reflux, ulcers, irritable bowel, constipation, excess gas, and even more bacterial infections are more likely to occur after killing good bowel flora from antibiotic use.

4) Bacteria evolve quickly. Antibiotics never kill all the bacteria in an infection, a few are left over, and usually the ones with the best genes for tolerating antibiotics. Over time, bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics, putting us right back to where we were before we invented them.

5) Antibiotics don't work for viral infections like colds, flus, chicken pox, shingles, ebola, etc.

Bacterial toxins can turn off, slow down, or otherwise interfere with your immune system. Toxins also damage tissues as the bacteria burrow deeper inside you. 

A new treatment aims to simply absorb the toxins excreted from bacteria. Robbed of the effects of their secretions by this new treatment, bacteria don't stand a chance against an animal's immune system.

Small natural fat particles called liposomes were injected into mice who had sepsis, an infection so bad that it had spread into the blood and circulatory system. The liposomes quickly absorbed the bacterial toxins, allowing the mice's immune systems to stop the infections.

It seems to me that if this turns out to work in humans as well as it does in mice, it could be a huge deal for not only antibiotic resistant bacterial infections, but it may also be able to be used to combat viral infections. 

If viral toxins were quickly absorbed by this new treatment, your immune system would have a much better chance to kill the virus before it killed you, in the case of ebola. Or at the least, taking this new treatment at the first sign of the flu might actually prevent flu symptoms while your body finished fighting off the virus.

Another possible huge benefit (in my opinion) could be for stopping Lyme's disease symptoms and halting further damage from the Lyme's toxins. Lyme's is known for causing widespread joint, muscle, and nerve pain due to the effects of the spirochetal toxins. Spirochetes are a type of bacteria, but antibiotics don't work very well for Lyme's because they bore deep into the tendons, joints, and other connective tissues where blood vessels are sparse. With few blood vessels, it is hard for the antibiotics to reach the spirchetes. 

But, since all the symptoms of Lyme's are due to the toxins released by the spirochete, liposomal injections could theoretically stop all the symptoms. Without pain, the person could begin to sleep deeply again and strengthen their body until the infection could be wiped out or at least held at bay by the immune system.

Liposomes are naturally occurring fat soluble microscopic organelles inside our cells that we use for absorbing certain toxins and fats and then burning them up. The researchers are of course artificially manufacturing the liposomes for injection into the mice, but from what I know about such things, the liposomes should not pose any harm to the animal or person.

Here's the link to the article:

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The real cause of colds and flus and how to cure them!

Have you ever wondered why medicine has been able to achieve such feats as successful organ transplants and laser vision correction, but they still haven't been able to cure the common cold?

We all know that microscopic viruses are contracted into your body before you catch a cold. But this is only half the story. Have you ever wondered why sometimes one or two members of a household won't catch the cold that everyone else came down with? Certainly everyone in the house was exposed to the virus.

The other half of the equation:

  • Why do most people get colds and flus in the winter? It's not because it's colder. In India, the cold and flu season hits during the monsoons and it is anything but cold outside. But the one thing in common with winter in the US and the monsoons in India is that there is no UVB from the sun reaching the surface to make vitamin D in people's skin. Vitamin D is needed in high amounts in order for the immune system to work properly. During the summer months, most people have enough vitamin D from the sun that they don't get colds.

  • Solution: Take enough vitamin D to get your blood levels of vitamin D up to 60-80 ng/ml. (My office can order your vitamin D blood test at a cash discount; be sure to check your levels every spring and fall.) To reach optimal levels, supplements can range from 2,000 to 20,000 iu of D3 per day. On average it takes about 8,000 iu daily. It depends on your weight and body fat percentage. The more you weigh and the more fat you have, the more vitamin D you will need to take. But the only way to know for sure is to test your blood. Studies clearly show that ALL Americans who do not supplement with D are low in it during the winter. The other option besides taking a D supplement is to regularly receive light therapy like we have at my clinic. (Call our office and talk to Erin to schedule a free introductory light therapy session: 559-930-1034)

  • The immune system heavily depends on its front line defense: mucus. Most cold and flu viruses are transmitted through the membranes in our lungs, throats, sinuses, eyes, and nose. These tissues secrete a thin mucus that coats them as a protective barrier against microbes. The microbes get stuck in the mucus and are either expelled along with the mucus or are immediately killed by natural antimicrobial agents in the mucus. One of these antimicrobial agents is iodine. Iodine insufficiency weakens your front line defense because you can't produce effective mucus without enough iodine.

  • Solution 1: Take extra iodine during cold and flu season. Take between 1.5 and 12 mg of iodine daily. Note: 1 mg = 1000 mcg (Contrary to allopathic belief, iodine is very safe since we just pee out any excess. But, if you have an autoimmune thyroid condition such as Hoshimoto's or Graves disease, then you should be supervised by a health care professional while taking iodine.) Unless you eat seafood three meals a day, 7 days a week, then you need to supplement with iodine. We need so much extra iodine in modern times because our exposure to bromide, chlorine, and fluoride is off the charts and interferes with iodine in the body. The cure for these toxins is to take lots of iodine. Have you noticed that chlorine dries out your skin, eyes, and burns your nose? Dry skin and membranes means there are millions of microscopic cracks for air-born viruses to get into your body. Iodine helps heal these chlorine caused cracks.
  • Solution 2: Is there chlorine in your shower water? Get a shower head filter from the hardware store. They take out 95% of the chlorine, cost less than $50, and last about 6 months. Refill filter cartridges can be less than $20.

  • Have you ever caught a cold or flu but you weren't even around anyone who was sick? This is a case of a virus allergy. You were exposed to a small number of a virus that was left in the air several minutes after someone who is now gone had sneezed. Normally such a small amount of a virus would not cause you to get sick, but in your case, your immune system freaked out. Your immune system ramped up its huge armies to fight, even though the enemy was the equivalent of a group of rowdy junior high kids. Too late, you have to go through the entire cold or flu cycle until your immune system is satisfied that the coast is clear. The reason for a virus allergy is an over-active immune system, which is the same reason for any allergy.

  • Solution 1: Omega 3 oil supplement. Omega 3, generally from fish oil, is needed for overall total health. One of its jobs is to keep the immune system from getting out of control. This is why omega 3 supplements can help people with autoimmune and allergy problems so much, because these are conditions of an over-active immune system. Take 600 to 1200 mg of omega 3 daily during the summer and take 1200 to 1800 mg daily during the winter or up to 2400 mg if you think you coming down with a cold.
  • Solution 2: Stay away from fried foods (like french fries), margarine, and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. These are full of something called trans-fats which counter-act omega 3 oils. Trans-fats actually contribute to allergies (including virus allergies) and autoimmune issues.

  • Don't shoot your immune system in the foot! Eating sugar, (meaning desserts, candy, soda, fruit juice, and almost all beverages you find at a mini-mart) can lower your immune system dramatically for several hours or even days after consuming it. 99% of the time when a patient of mine gets a cold or flu, when I ask them if they had a lot of dessert or candy within 5 days of getting sick, they say yes. Desserts taste really good, but colds and flus are just not worth it to me. The only time I eat desserts in the winter is to be polite to the host of a party, and I take a small piece and eat just a few bites if possible. Then I rave about how good it is and then when no one is looking I put the rest in the trash. When asked to have seconds I say that I'd love to but I'm really full! And I never eat candy. I'll take the candy and say I'm saving it for later, then throw it out later.

  • A slow bowel is a toxic bowel. Toxins lower the immune system worse than sugar does. Do whatever it takes to have at least two bowel movements daily, optimally three.

  • Solution: Have regular bowel movements: Drink plenty of water (45-75 ounces daily). Go easy on the starches: bread, rice, pasta, and white potato can turn to a sticky glue in the intestine, feeding yeast, and slowing the bowels. When in a pinch, take magnesium mineral tablets for a natural laxative. George Goodhart, the father of Applied Kinesiology and muscle testing in general, once said that colds and flus are caused by a toxic bowel and that the cure is an enema!

  • Lack of sleep lowers the immune system and allows viruses to take hold and cause illness much more readily.

  • Solution: Get extra sleep. If you know you've been exposed to a virus, sleep an extra 90 minutes each night for the next three to five nights. This gives your body the extra rest it needs to re-cooperate from the stress of having to deal with the virus quickly before it has a chance to multiply, causing illness.

  • Stress lowers the immune system. Even just hearing bad news can lower your immune system.

  • Solution: Keep a positive attitude and stay away from negative news and negative people. There is good and bad to everything. Make sure that at least half your thoughts during the day are about how good things are in your life. If more than 75% of your thoughts are about how bad things are right now, then you are less likely to fight off a virus without getting ill during the process. I no longer watch the news or read the paper. If something big happens, someone else is sure to tell me. I also don't watch rated R movies. The extra violence is very stressful for the little kid brain inside us that controls our immune system. It's not worth it. Movies without excessive violence and with happy endings that make you feel good can actually strengthen the immune system.

Let's make this a cold and flu free season from here on out!

For more health related information or to read past newsletters, go to my website or blog:

 Dr. Campise
559 930 1034
1100 W. Shaw # 120
Fresno, CA 93711

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Salt can lower blood pressure?

Salt can lower blood pressure???

Do you know anyone who is on a low salt diet who still has high blood pressure?

I do. Lots of them. In fact, I've seen several patients lower their blood pressure by increasing their salt intake. Huh?

It is true that too much salt causes high blood pressure, but did you know that too little salt can cause high blood pressure too? Well, it can. Just like any other nutrient, too much can be harmful, but too little can be even more harmful.

Dr. Campise's Salt-for-Health Protocol

  1. Check your blood pressure seated after resting for 15 minutes. Measure the circumferences of your ankles. Record these measurements.

  2. Put 1 tsp of raw salt in a ziplock baggie. Add salt like you would normally do to your food during the day, but from the baggie. Then at the end of the day, measure the salt that is left in the baggie and subtract this from 1 tsp to get the amount of salt you are adding to your food on a daily basis.

  3. The next day put the amount of salt you used the prior day plus ¼ tsp into a baggie. Try to use all of this on your food throughout the day, if there is salt left over at the end of the day, put it in water and drink the rest.

  4. On the following day, remeasure your blood pressure and ankle circumferences in the exact same way as the day before. If your blood pressure goes up and/or if your ankles got larger, this means you got too much salt, so back off until numbers come down to optimal. HOWEVER, if your blood pressure went down, and/or your ankles got smaller, this means you were low in salt and you needed the extra salt that you added.

  5. If you needed the salt, then keep increasing it by ¼ tsp per day until the blood pressure or ankles increase in amount/size again, then back off the salt slightly from there. In this trial and error way you can find the optimal salt level for you.

  6. Over the next few weeks continue to monitor your ankles and blood pressure because once your body gets saturated with salt, you may need to decrease it again. Or if you start a workout routine or the weather gets hot and you are sweating more, you may need to increase it more.
That's it!

More Info:

Of course too little salt can also cause low blood pressure.

Generally the way it works is:

5) Way too much salt causes high blood pressure

4) A little too much salt causes slightly high blood pressure

3) The right amount of salt allows for normal blood pressure

2) Slightly to moderately low salt causes low blood pressure

1) Severely low salt can cause high blood pressure.

0) Extremely low salt can cause death.

So as you can see, if you go from severely low salt intake to slightly low salt intake, you can lower your blood pressure dramatically.

But paradoxically, this is achieved by increasing your salt intake.


If you were borderline high blood pressure because of slightly too much salt intake, your doctor might say to cut out salt from your diet.

So let's say you do cut it out. But if you end up cutting out so much that now you are severely low in salt, you will go from borderline-high blood pressure to high blood pressure.

All because you cut out too much salt.

So now your MD puts you on a high blood pressure medication, which brings your blood pressure down to normal.

Then you read my article on salt and decide to experiment by adding some salt back into your diet. If you add just enough salt to get into the slightly low salt range..., can you see the problem?

That's right, your blood pressure can plummet to dangerously low levels because of the additive effect of the slightly low salt and the blood pressure medication.

In other words, by increasing your salt, you may no longer need blood pressure medication, but because you are still taking it, you may get light headed and risk passing out or losing your balance when you stand up.

You can see how this is especially problematic in the elderly. Overdosed blood pressure medicine is the cause of way too much injury to the elderly due to low-blood-pressure-induced falling.

So when experimenting with salt, please monitor your blood pressure closely and at the first sign of it going down, stop increasing the salt and ask your MD to lower the dose of your blood pressure medication or to take you off it.

Yes, some people are needlessly on high blood pressure medication when all they needed was a little more salt in their diet!

The best salt to use:

Raw salt is best because it still has lots of trace minerals in it.

Most table salts have been bleached and processed to take out the good trace minerals in order to achieve a white attractive uniform looking salt product.

My favorite brand of raw salt is Real Salt. It comes from an ancient sea bed mine in Utah.

Other good salts include Celtic Sea Salt, and Himalayan pink salt. But beware: plain old “sea salt” is not raw salt.

Other common causes of high blood pressure:

1) Smoking

2) Obesity

3) Chronic stress

4) Lack of exercise

So try out some raw salt and let me know!

Looking forward!

Yours in health,

Dr. Campise :)

559 930 1034